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Thread: Im stuck in the early 90's punk scene

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    Default Im stuck in the early 90's punk scene

    When I was 11, my brother gave me Fugazi repeater. I hated it. Now 19 years later I cannot stop listening to it.

    Since then, my playlist has been stuck on a mix of nothing but Fugazi and Op Ivy.

    It was just one of those amazing runs of good music, that only lasted a few years but produced so much good stuff.

    ...kinda like Limp Bizkit.

    I was too young to see any of these bands, but man do they get to me right down to the bone.

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    Default Re: Im stuck in the early 90's punk scene

    man, I just realized that I am talking about!?

    I never claimed to be cool.
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    Default Re: Im stuck in the early 90's punk scene

    Love Fugazi, Ian Mackaye and Minor Threat- sound track to my 80's. Along with anything Two Tone/Ska. I saw them play in boston, nyc and portalnd maine.

    Picture- straight edge "x"'s,5 dollar hard core matines at CBGB's (I used someones elses ID to get in before I turned 16), ox blood DM's polished, Fresh Fred Perry shirt, braces (not the ones in your mouth), the Toasters playing SOB's, Bad Brains playing at the Ritz (that place was amazing), Murphys Law and the Village Voice was the internet of local NYC music scene.

    What I admired most about Fugazi is that Ian never sold out- he got offeres from beer companies to sponsor tours etc and flat out he said no. Like the Clash (my hereos and spiritual leaders), they never cared about the trappings of success- which in this age of consumption is a pretty major statement.
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    Default Re: Im stuck in the early 90's punk scene

    Fugazi is cataloging every single live recording and making it a free download. Going to take some time, but its going to be nice.

    I too was too young for a lot of that when it was current or just wasn't into it when it was on its way out. Either way - its treating me right now.

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    Default Re: Im stuck in the early 90's punk scene

    I love that Waiting Room video. So much energy.
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    Default Re: Im stuck in the early 90's punk scene

    My best friend here in DC went to school with all those dudes from Fugazi/Minor Threat and his older sister was at Berkeley (sp? there are more "e"s than expected. I just dont know where, lol) They were all a few years older...but he was a pain in the ass at 14, so he went to all those shows. My buds sister said that Op Ivy would play in her dorm common room all the time.

    She said bands played there all the time. She saw NoFX, Bad Brains...pretty much the whole scene went through her dorm between 87-91. That said, she knew form day one the folks from Op Ivy were a cut above. My bud still has the bootleg cassette she sent him from her Frosh year. You can barely hear anything. But she knew it was worth sending home.

    She must have gotten the same feeling I get when I hear a Nickleback song.
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    Default Re: Im stuck in the early 90's punk scene


    There is a link being sent around via email that will take you to a site that has free downloads of the new Nickelback album. Do Not Click This Link! It will take you to a site that has downloads of the new Nickelback album.

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    Default Re: Im stuck in the early 90's punk scene

    Ive been digging a lot of NoFX too. 2 Heebs and a Bean as well as Punk in Drublic. Whats strange is that the current pop-punk sound is really modeled after NoFX, but with all the edges polished off.

    Plus I think their lyrics are hilarious. I just wish it were more serious sometimes. Creed. Those doods got deep.
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    Default Re: Im stuck in the early 90's punk scene

    No shit!! i get into my wifes car to drive into town this morning, and by god repeater was in the CD player. I dont know where she found it, but ohh dear that was a beautiful album. I have seen them several times, the last being in DC with pinhead gunpowder.. Music will never be as it was.. Although i sincerely think you should re-address the limp bizkit comment..,, yea, call me a hater

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    Default Re: Im stuck in the early 90's punk scene

    Dude dont hate on Limp Bizkit, they are one of the most influential bands of the early 2000's....just between Insane Clown Posse and James Blunt.
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    Default Re: Im stuck in the early 90's punk scene

    Speaking of the awesomeness that is ICP and Limp Bizkit...I always liked these dudes:

    They came back to do one single show here in D.C. I wanted to go, but I figured it was more for the 40-50 y/os to relive their glory days.
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    Default Re: Im stuck in the early 90's punk scene

    Nofx sucks and Fugazi isn't "punk rock." I've got nothing to contribute that hasn't been said better somewhere else about Fugazi. Favorite band ever and it shows how clueless you are by lumping them in with the fat fuck s&m maniac coke heads of fat mike and crew.

    Also; Fugazi toured extensively through 2001/2002 so unless you're under 22 or so you weren't too young, you were just too lame.

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    Default Re: Im stuck in the early 90's punk scene

    Quote Originally Posted by PJN View Post
    Nofx sucks and Fugazi isn't "punk rock." I've got nothing to contribute that hasn't been said better somewhere else about Fugazi. Favorite band ever and it shows how clueless you are by lumping them in with the fat fuck s&m maniac coke heads of fat mike and crew.

    Also; Fugazi toured extensively through 2001/2002 so unless you're under 22 or so you weren't too young, you were just too lame.
    Just so I don't look like a dick at the next show, can you outline precisely everything that a punk should listen to, wear and how they should live their life.

    After all it's not about listening to/doing/wearing what you like, it's about subscribing to someone else's view of what it is/is not.

    I love that I can consult a style guide for punk.

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    Default Re: Im stuck in the early 90's punk scene

    Quote Originally Posted by PJN View Post
    Nofx sucks and Fugazi isn't "punk rock." I've got nothing to contribute that hasn't been said better somewhere else about Fugazi. Favorite band ever and it shows how clueless you are by lumping them in with the fat fuck s&m maniac coke heads of fat mike and crew.

    Also; Fugazi toured extensively through 2001/2002 so unless you're under 22 or so you weren't too young, you were just too lame.
    Like Coldplay, you were so much cooler when you were underground.

    Plus, I try not to see concerts where the lead singer is older than 27. Except for Sugar Ray, those guys are timeless.
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    Default Re: Im stuck in the early 90's punk scene

    Never really got into Fugazi. The rest of those DC bands are always on rotation with me. Op Ivy can stay too ;) Continuing the tradition of awesome bands from that region (Government Issue reminded me): This youtube clip has better sound quality than their first EP.

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    Default Re: Im stuck in the early 90's punk scene

    I think PJM is actually stuck in the 90's punk scene, lol.

    Luka, I hear you with the Fugazi. Until I turned 30, I kinda thought they were a bit....I dunno, soft? That said, I grew up in a very different context than the majority of Fugazi fans. There was no cold war, mutually assured self-destruction, trickle down economics during a recession....I grew up without a Soviet Union, a Berlin Wall, and with a housing buble followed by an internet bubble. When I was in my formative yers, being anti-consumerism was mainstream (Pearl Jam, Nirvana, Rage Against the Machine, Whitney Housten) so the Fugazi message never really resonated throught the detrius. (Its all about the Yin and Yang). That said, I never got rid of that CD and lo and behold, I found my self really digging it 19 years after it was given to me. (NoFX, OTOH, really resonated with me as a 18 y/o who was on his 5th school in 5 years in 3 countries realizing that the same asshats where in every single school and all the image stuff that seemed so important as a highschooler was a big sham, a vain attempted to get some nana pudding by carving out a niche market.)

    Perhaps I find myself in a new context pursuing Masters/MBA while in school, and getting married and stuff. I dunno. All I know is that I am really digging Fugazi these days. (And Op Ivy never leaves the rotation either.)

    BTW, thats a great youtube clip. I remember being 17 and able to get into music like that (and I am not talking about the type of music, I mean the intensity/passion of the audience. I am just too old, seen too much and am too jaded to put myself out there like that)

    Here's Luckaz Clip embedded.
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    Default Re: Im stuck in the early 90's punk scene

    When I was in 8th grade I had the biggest crush on this girl... Sr in highschool.
    I gave her Slint. She gave me Fugazi.
    If there hadn't been 4-5 years of age difference, I would've married her.
    To this day, when the intros of Breadcrumb Trail or Turnover hit my ears I literally shiver.

    Fuck, I can't remember the last time a new band/cd/mp3/whatever made me "turn everything else off" and only pay attention to it. Maybe Appleseed Cast's "Low Level Owl 1+2" (2000)
    Tom Tolhurst

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    Default Re: Im stuck in the early 90's punk scene

    I hear you man. I'm getting old myself. I haven't been to a punk show in years, but I've got way more band t-shirts than collared shirts. I hang some of them up to preserve them (how dorky is that!). Some highlights are a really old "abc no-rio" t-shirt, and a Dillinger Four shirt from just about 10 years ago. If you don't know d4, you should know d4:

    I think that's me crowdsurfing at about 1:53. One of the last shows I attended.

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    Default Re: Im stuck in the early 90's punk scene

    woah, those doods have grown up. I didn't even recognize them.

    I remember D4 for their seminal hit, Farts are like Jazz to Assholes. They sound totally different here.They made their way onto a bunch of Fat Wrek Chords Comp albums. I used to love those things., Youtube totally killed Punk. Thats why I only watch my Fugazi vids on vinyl.
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    Default Re: Im stuck in the early 90's punk scene

    hahaha. Yeah they're pretty old. I think two of them are doctors. They may be my favorite band ever. The ratio of good songs to not so good songs is astounding. And they've always sort of done things their way without selling out *cough*Against Me!*cough* or changing their sound.

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