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Thread: Wow, Sears Home Service REALLY REALLY sucks

  1. #1
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    Default Wow, Sears Home Service REALLY REALLY sucks

    So my sisters washing machine here in NC died. No big deal as they have an extended warranty.

    Except I now have to deal with the lamest fuckers both on the phone and in person I've ever dealt with in my life.

    Date line:

    Washer shits the bed around the 3rd.

    Service call determines it need parts. Box after box arrives last week till it looked like Christmas morning in the entry.

    Monday appointment is scheduled between 8-12 am. Stupid fuck arrives at 3:00 pm. Repairs washing machine but doesn't even open/use all shipped parts. 6:00 pm I load 7 days worth of filthy cycling gear in washer. An hour later I find its stopped mid cycle and the door is still locked shut. Call SHS and they tell me they'll message repairman and if I don't hear from him tonight I will tomorrow. Oh and the repair fool didn't even use/open all the parts box's that were here and TWO MORE arrived the next day!

    Tuesday 3:00 pm no call yet. I call SHS and they schedule an appointment for Thursday between 12-4pm.

    At 3:15 today I get a recorded message I need to call and reschedule.

    I call and ask to speak with a supervisor, needless to say waiting for THAT was enjoyable. Supervisor then tells me she can't discuses the details of the service with me because I'm not the listed owner of the fucking's a "privacy issue"........with a washing machine that the dumb fucks can't fix or come back to fix. And then tells me that NO ONE at SHS can help me with the machine....only the listed owner.

    Tell that beotch I need to speak with her superior [which would be about anyone] and she hangs me out to dry on hold waiting for an "escalation team."

    Call SHS right back and ask to reschedule the canceled appointment and they give me Monday the 21st as the first available date. Their supeior is "busy" so I tell the guy we'll be buying another brand and I hope he'll be unemployed.

    Just reenforces why I wouldn't buy water at Sears if I was on fire and we own a Fisher Paykey washer.......

    Sear: From American icon to the worst joke in America. God, they have to be proud of that.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Wow, Sears Home Service REALLY REALLY sucks

    I've actually had good service from SHS here in Fort Lauderdale - where usually everything sucks here. But this is pretty much what I expect from most home service companies.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Wow, Sears Home Service REALLY REALLY sucks

    What's your address? I ship the washing machine down to you.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Wow, Sears Home Service REALLY REALLY sucks

    If you hate Sears I hate Sears.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Wow, Sears Home Service REALLY REALLY sucks

    Quote Originally Posted by Too Tall View Post
    If you hate Sears I hate Sears.
    161" of hate.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Wow, Sears Home Service REALLY REALLY sucks

    effit, i'm in. iconic brands be damned. eff sears!

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Wow, Sears Home Service REALLY REALLY sucks

    Now 202" of hate and growing.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Wow, Sears Home Service REALLY REALLY sucks

    I think it's a NC Sears thing. My sister-in-law went through the exact same bullshit with them a few months ago. You don't happen to live around Kannapolis do you?
    Insubordinate. And Churlish.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Wow, Sears Home Service REALLY REALLY sucks

    Just wintering at my sisters in the Triangle area. I doubt the customer service people I've talked to were in the US of A.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Wow, Sears Home Service REALLY REALLY sucks

    About a year ago, I bought a new refrigerator from Sears. The guys showed up to deliver it, unpacked it, humped it off the truck and into my house... and discovered it was about two inches too tall for my cabinets. Because I was a moron and bought the wrong size fridge. They loaded it back on the truck, gave me my money back, and didn't even make fun of me. But I suspect that was in spite of Sears policy, not in fulfillment of it. They were just two good old southern boys.

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    Default Re: Wow, Sears Home Service REALLY REALLY sucks

    Oh they made fun of you but [like us] just behind your back...

    Sides, that was 'sales' not service.

  12. #12
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    Default Re: Wow, Sears Home Service REALLY REALLY sucks

    You have to know how to play the scam. And also to buy a basic washing machine that just shakes the stuff around in soapy water and then rinses them off. Gets 'em just as clean as the space ship ones.

    Here's the deal: my washer crapped out because oil got in the clutch. If you wanted it to spin you had to go downstairs and tip it about 45 degrees to get it going and then it'd be fine. I decided that was inconvenient and called Sears. We played poker. You buy the $100-$200 (I forget, it was a while back) all inclusive or go time and material and so if it's a nothing the $100-$200 (I forget, it was a while back) is wasted but if it's a something you get beaten like a rented mule on the time and material.

    So the SHS guy comes over and tells me what I should have done was buy the $80 'come out and check my appliance over' plan and if they find something they fix it no extra charge. I asked 'what if I know it's already broke?' He tells me to act dumb and it won't matter. He said don't tell them it's broke, they sell you the $100-200 (I forget, it was a while back) plan when you say that but if you say you just want preventive maintenance the plan is cheaper. It turns out that in this case I was glad I made the $100-$200 (I forget, it was a while back) choice because the first guy replaced the control knob which provided no relief and then the second guy just laughed and laughed and got a clutch assembly out of the truck, and I think the stupid clutch costs as much as the whole washer new.

  13. #13
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    Default Re: Wow, Sears Home Service REALLY REALLY sucks

    buy a new washing machine
    dont buy a ge

    send me $20 for the advice.. think of all the bs i saved you.



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