While there's no dearth of "First 'cross event" threads I wanted to take a minute to tell you a little about mine. Two weekends ago I took part in my first cyclo-cross race (actually my first cycling race) ever. It was a last minute decision to give 'cross a try this year. I had stumbled across a clinic being put on by a local team and figured, why not? The clinic was two, two-hour sessions. In the first we focused on bike handling, dismounting, barriers, and remounting. The second session emphasized doing the tings from the first session at a faster speed and we worked on shouldering the bike for run-ups. I had a blast. I entered my first race and immediately red-lined it for the next 40 minutes. My fitness is nowhere near where it needs to be but I have participated in three races now (I've been DFL every time out) and will continue on. So...

Thank's to everyone here who's ever asked a question!
Thank's to everyone here who's ever answered a question! (Canadian Thanksgiving is only a few days away)

Without your participation here I may have continued to let this great sport pass me by.
VSalon - You are the reason for the growth of Cyclo-cross. The first beer's on me if we ever meet.

PS: I'm hoping to get out to Alpenrose to watch some of the Cross Crusade race this Sunday. Maybe see some of you there.
PPS: A huge thanks to the local teams and sponsors that put on the events here! They may be small but they're growing.