I don't know if this should be in the OT or here. This is nice resource and articles of things made by or repaired by hand. There is even an article about Ross Schafer there.
I don't know if this should be in the OT or here. This is nice resource and articles of things made by or repaired by hand. There is even an article about Ross Schafer there.
Oboe reed making. Something I wasn’t aware of but am now in awe of.
« If I knew what I was doing, I’d be doing it right now »
-Jon Mandel
Regarding oboes, I was heavily moved when I read about Paul Laubin in the middle 1990s.
The links in this story still work.
« If I knew what I was doing, I’d be doing it right now »
-Jon Mandel
good read
Jay Dwight
That's compelling. I never knew or even thought about Oboe reeds. I played bassoon for a long time and as is said it consumes more time than practice. Bassoon reeds could, at the time be purchased as a book matched blank eg two halves connected and otherwise no refined. Typically I would have 12 to 15 reeds in a rack waiting refinement or destined for the bin. My best reeds were kept in a cigarette case like "thing" that held them in rows. There was never not a feeling that my best reed of the moment would break or wear out and I'd have to settle for a second string'er or worse. If you put all the materials infront of me today I could make a damn good reed. The muscle memory is that strong.
Sorry to talk about myself, this struck a familiar romantic nerve.
Last edited by Too Tall; 01-17-2021 at 02:04 PM.
Josh Simonds
Vsalon Fromage De Tête